Went for hulu langat last sunday during Thaipussam holiday with my family and auntie's family....We drop by to Uncle Anis's cafe, The Cafe @ Lui for late breakfast....he owned the land there and built his dreamhome on top of the hill with gardens, pool, gazeebo on a lake and his own cafe....he also opened his own Gallery Kelah, storing and breeding world's second smart fish the 'kelah'....a lot of rare species he got there......while my parents were talking with uncle anis and his family, i took some time to do this sketch.....The Cafe @ Lui....www.thecafe-at-lui.blogspot.com.
Then finally we went to Sungai Congkak..there were thousands of people camping along the way to our campsite at Selangor Tourism..it is located deep inside to the farmost and the top of Sungai Congkak....it was less people there which is better than what i saw earlier....we checked in to our chalet there....having picnic with the foods we bought and had so much fun at the river.....so this was the chalet we stayed...its really spacious....=)
hakim seyes cantik gile u lukis..
arghhh!! jeles..
gile lawa ur drawing...
i adore it..wehoo..
sangta jeles tengok sketch kau..
p/s:about ur blog,jangan lupa pasal paragraph,jadikan ia sama panjang setiap paragraph,and lagi best kalau guna allignment justify utk text.Thumbs up!
thx...! huhuhu...oh orite...ill keep that in mind....tolong la beri tunjuk ajar ye...still new in this blogging....sedang mencuba2...^^
I would like to exchange links with your site ahmadhakym.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
change link? how is that? sorry im still new with all this blogging thing....:P
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