Some people may not know how to read this SQUARE_KUFI and a lot of my friends asked me on how to read it....ok, u need to read from BOTTOM RIGHT and turn CLOCKWISE. Some of the KUFIs especially the long one, u will need to read it UPSIDE DOWN when it turns and end up at the CENTER.

it is the original handsketch by him. i just scanned and vectorized it. to read this one, its bottom-up.
works by SIFU HILMY.

MASTER SHUKOR with SIFU HILMY during WIEF Marketplace of Creative Arts 2010.
this KUFI is totally challenging. and highly addictive. the process of making it has no difference with architecture. ;)
this KUFI is totally challenging. and highly addictive. the process of making it has no difference with architecture. ;)